Saturday, April 3, 2010

Felices Pascuas, now eat your chocolate eggs

Felices Pascuas, or Happy Easter!

My attempt to recreate Eva Diaz Torres' art

In Buenos Aires, giant chocolate eggs, rather than chocolate bunnies, fill the grocery stores, bakeries and confiterias (candy shops) all around the city.  These eggs, which are about 10 times the size of your typical creme-filled Cadbury, are wrapped in layers of colorful cellophane, making them sparkle like jewels. 

Speaking of eggs, I recently saw an interesting sculpture piece that featured two eggs: one whole, the other broken.  The artist, Eva Diaz Torres, whose work was featured at her grandfather's museum (Museo Torres Garcia in Montevideo), was also a bit of a philosopher.  Referring to her creation, she said:

"El huevo, que es el símbolo de la vida, de lo perfecto, de la unidad absoluta, se tiene que romper para que esa misma vida pueda existir. El movimiento y el cambio son indispensables."

Roughly translated, she said that the egg, which is the symbol of life and perfection, has to be broken so that that same life can exist.  Movement and change are essential.

Good advice in general and great advice for chocolate Easter eggs!  Sure, it's pretty and perfect all wrapped up in shiny paper.  But if you just stare at it, not wanting to sully the perfection, it will spoil.

Moral of the story: Eat your Easter candy!

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