Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Resume Road Trip: A plan so half-baked I might get salmonella

Now that I'm back in the U.S., no one really cares that I can both speak English and teach it.  I might have have huffed and puffed about the process of getting a job in Buenos Aires, but at least opportunities existed and prospective employers were hiring.

Not quite the case back in the E.E.U.U.

Top off this predicament with the fact that I'm not sure whether to continue in the field of journalism or pursue another career.  Also, I'm not really sure where I want to live.  San Francisco and Austin, Texas, appeal to me the most of all U.S. cities, but unfortunately they're a good deal away from the family and friends I've just come home to.

So, in an attempt to A. figure out where I want to live B. figure out what I (sorta) want to do; and C. determine if those two can coexist, I've set out on a "Resume Road Trip." The tentative plan has me passing through D.C., Philadelphia and New York with possible stops in Baltimore and Boston depending on how exhausted I am.  It's kind of like doing a road test for the Find Your Spot quiz.

Although I have an idea of companies and places to check out, this trip is largely intuitive, not logical.  Armed with the latest copy of What Color Is Your Parachute?, a new cell phone and a suitcase full of interview clothes, let's see if this half-baked scheme can prove fruitful.


  1. I'm totally behind you! Just out of curiosity, what was your "spot" from the quiz?

  2. Thanks! Well, they give you the top 20 or so and the most recent time I took it, my top five were Honolulu, Santa Barbara, Norfolk, Santa Cruz and Little Rock, Arkansas... Little Rock ends up on EVERYONE's list so I assume they pay the people some sort of premium, haha.
