Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years at 40,000 feet

After a busy week of holiday travels, packing, goodbyes, packing, last-minute details and other tasks —did I mention packing?— I am happy to report that I arrived in Buenos Aires yesterday morning.

Although traveling between Christmas and New Years might bring to mind images of overbooked flights, endless security lines and banshee-like cries of small children, New Years Eve is probably the best day to fly.  My flight from Dulles to BA seemed to have more attendants than passengers, many of whom (including yours truly) spread out across two- and three-seat rows.  In an attempt to snooze comfortably, I ended up moving into more positions than I would in a yoga session, and some of the poses were just as contorted.  Still, I slept enough to arrive refreshed at Ezezia Airport, where after clearing customs and paying the new "tasa de reciprocidad," the officials kindly let me into Argentina.

I am living in a two-bedroom apartment on the border of the Palermo and Recoleta barrios (neighborhoods), just two blocks from Santa Fe Avenue.  My roommate, Claire, who has been teaching English in BA for three years, is graciously helping me with the ins and outs of the city (but despite her detailed directions, I still managed to get lost coming back from the grocery store).  The wireless at the apartment is fickle: sometimes it loads the internet, other times it's slower than dial-up.  Luckily there is a charming cafe called Natural Deli just a few blocks from the apartment that has free Wifi. I just had a refreshing smoothie (it's about 85 degrees here) and am contemplating an espresso chaser...


  1. Dude, I'm so glad you made it safe and sound to Buenos Aires, and that although the flight time seemed terrible, you had a good trip and are settling in. I'm making your blog a favorite because you're one of my favorite people. Have a great time and keep us posted. :-D

  2. LOVE the blog! I've already added it to my google reader. Consider me your first official stalker. And I'm sending it to my parents too! If that's okay, of course... :P

  3. Nikki,

    I so enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to following all your escapades. Just remember not to be too adventursome!

  4. OMG! 85 degrees!! Sooo jealous!! Yay! I'm glad to hear that you arrived safely! I hope that you have been having a good first few days there! I hope your apartment is comfortable. How much does food cost there? Are you missing us yet hehe! At least probably not Corey's duamb visage.
