Friday, April 30, 2010

April in photos

And so another month comes to an end!  April was particularly lovely in Argentina with cooler temperatures finally taking the place of hot, sticky days.  Here are some pictures from around the city, particularly the Recoleta neighborhood, which is long overdue for a blog post of its own.

An old Fiat on the cobblestone streets of Palermo Hollywood retains its charm despite a recent downpour

Palacio del Congreso, like its American counterpart, houses the federal government's legislative branch.

Unlike the San Telmo Market,  la Feria Artisinal in Recoleta is more tranquil with family picnics and lawn-loungers relaxing nearby

Angels and demons are omnipresent in the massive Recoleta Cemetery

Thanks to parents and care packages, our expat Easter was complete with jelly beans and egg-painting

The famous Cafe Tortoni offers history and ambiance but at the expense of quality food

The sky is aglow on Avenida General Las Heras at dusk

1 comment:

  1. That looks so delightful, my dear! I love the shot of the feria!
